Here is my latest creation..Her name is "Madame Sarafina" and she is a very old Witch!Madame is one of my gourdhead dolls. I attached paper mache to the gourd and sculpted her face. I chose the paper mache rather paper clay to give her a nice vintage look and feel. When I went to add hair to her head, none of what I tried looked right to me..So I painted her hair on..and I'm very happy with the look.
Her dress bodice is Velvet and the skirt is a spider web print cotton.
Madame accessories are a couple pieces of vintage jewelry, a vintage key,
a Vintage Halloween Noise Maker that works :), a small cat/pumpkin gourd (her pet) and Grandpa (the skeleton) chained and pinned to her arm..(he passed quite some time ago)..
Madame Sarafina will be available on Ebay at 5pm ,California time!
My Ebay user name is: HowlingMoonDesigns