by Candace Navarrete

by Candace Navarrete

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Harvest Festival in Pomona, CA

Yippeeeee...I'm headed out today to Pomona, to set up for the show. I will be staying down there.
Oh how I love room service!..LOL..and to leave the hotel room, come back in the evening, and
the room is clean..and I did'nt have to clean it!!!
If you're in Southern Califorina..and would like info on the here to go to the
Harvest Festival website. Be sure to stop by and say Hello!
Be back Sunday night! :)


Doreen Frost said...

Best of luck with the show. Have a safe trip.

Take care,

HowlingMoonDesigns said...

Hi Doreen..
Thank you so much! The show was awesome :)