by Candace Navarrete

by Candace Navarrete

Monday, March 2, 2009

"Ain't it Funny How Time Slips Away"......

No truer words were ever spoken, or in this case, sung! I have been holed up in my work room up to my elbows in clay, or at this machine trying to keep up with everything. The new and last issue of " A Time for Primitives" is open! Everyones offerings look great!
I'm working on the new magazine now and while I have several clay pieces drying...I'm working on the "door" prize for the grand opening..and in between all that I'm trying to get ready for a Spring Show next month...LOL. I will have to admit, with my husbands new truck driving job..I have more time to work :)...Yes, I miss him..LOL..he's gone for a couple days at a time and during those days I don't have to stop working to make breakfast, lunch or dinner :)...I don't have to go sit with him in the evening and watch something stupid on the Idiot Box..LOL..I can just work! I love the man dearly, really I do...But he just doesn't "get" when I'm on a "creative roll" and need to keep going, because if I stop for too long , i'll lose more ways than one..LOL


Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Candy, you make me laugh!! Can't wait to see what those elbows in the clay created for us to see!!

HowlingMoonDesigns said...

LOL Laurie :)..Well I have mostly Halloween going at the moment, with a couple Easter things :)..Looks kinda weird in my work room!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

TOO funny Candy! I can relate too.

Art flows better without domestic duties!!! Hehe '-)

Have a great week!

Chris (-:

HowlingMoonDesigns said...

LOL Chris..Yes it does! "Domestic Duties"..LOL, are a drag! :)
