Why is it that the older we get the faster time slips away? When you're a kid, a day seems like a lifetime, like it will never end. Yet at almost 55 I go to bed and wonder where the last 24 hours went, and the worst part is I have nothing to show for the lost time!
Yes, you guessed it, I'm in a creative slump again..I've managed to sketch a few things out, and I am slowly working on my EHAG "Tombstone" project..LOL
I am planning a Surprise Birthday Party for my Grandma's 90th Birthday on July 2nd. My siblings will all be here (1Brother & 3 Sisters)...All of whom are neat freaks...I am not..LOL
So all I can think about is getting my house in shape and our pool ready. Of course the pool pump broke just before we went on Vacation to CO..When we came back the pool was a beautiful shade of green, so working on that to get it crystal clear (which I've not yet achieved) has been all consuming, for those of you with pools, I'm sure you can feel my pain :).
My Grandmother is quite a Hoot when she's in a good mood..LOL..I'm hoping she will be surprised and that no one will spill the beans..I am lucky at my age to have a living GrandMother,
and while I appreciate that fact, I am also responsible for caring for her. She lives alone still..
but gave up driving a few years back after she had 2 accidents in 2 weeks and the second one , was when she had her SUV in reverse, hit the gas and smashed up my Sisters Van :)...So I take her to appts, etc. I don't mind this..but you never know what will come out of her mouth..LOL
She's the only almost 90 yr old that I've ever heard use the "F" word on a regular basis..:)
and she's very loud, She could NOT whisper if her life depended on it..LOL..So many times when we leave a Dr's office or other appt., I am red faced at something she said about someone in the office..
I admire my Grandmother very much..She lost both her children to Cancer. My Dad was only 49 when he passed, and my Aunt was 56 when she passed. I don't know if I could go on after losing my children, but this woman braves ahead everyday.
She called me one day and said " I'm sorry I'm not the Warm , fuzzy kinda of Grandma, but I do love you"...and that is about as tender as she knows how to get..So her words meant alot that day..
I guess what I'm saying is I want her Party to be special...At 90 yrs old, I appreciate every day I have left with her :)
Oh, Candy - your gma sounds like a hoot!! :) And how sweet for her to say that to you. It must have been hard for her. I hope you all have a fabulous party! As for your slump, you know 'this too shall pass' and you will be creating more wonderful things in no time. xo Pam
I hope to make it to 90...Wish Grandma a Happy B-Day! Cheers...P.S. Left you a gift on my blog!
Hi Pam :)
I think it was hard for her to say that..She is quite the Character :)
I think once I get my house clean..LOL, my slump will disapear!
Hi Michelle!
I will do that! :)
Thank you for the AWESOME award..and I shall get it posted later today :)
What a great relationship with your grandma - she would have gotten along great with my grandma, who had a great sense of humor and I believe never baked a batch of cookies in her life :) Your post made me think of her and how I miss her. Those are good memories. Thanks!
Wow- she does sound like a hoot. Let me know if you need help or anything!
I think your grandmother might be my Mother's cousin or related somehow. She never says the F word but is always saying something to make me red faced and is going deaf so you know it is loud.
She is actually driving me batty but I love her so batty I am.
Tell your family that if they don't like the way the house looks they are free to use the local hotel!
I am in a don't give a pooh mood. major funk. Trying to stay focused is not happening. TOOO much going on. Maybe after graduation and hope we find "THE" house tomorrow. Running out of time and she needs to sell hers. Won't do it till she finds one here.
WOW grannie is 90 ~ GO GIRL!!! '-)
TGIF & enjoy your weekend!
SpOOky CK (-:
Thank You Frog Queen! :)
Thanks ~A~! I think I finaly have things under control..LOL
Hi Pea..
I know EXACTLY how you feel :)..
I do hope your Mom finds THE House soon! It will be a relief for both of you..
Big hugs,
LOL Chris :)...Yeah, and Grannie will be drinking margarita's right along with the rest of us!:)
ACK!!! That silly creative slump comes at the worst time. Your Gran sounds wonderful. Still miss my Gran. Hope the birthday party is fabulous.
I'll bet grandma is a PARTY ANIMAL! I hope she has a wonderful birthday...and don't stress about it! I'm sure a good time will be had by all!
Hi Candy! Love your blog.
I'm sorry about your SlUmP, it'll go away and then you'll be full steam into new areas! It seems like there's never enough hours in the day.
Loved reading about your Grandma, and yes you are so lucky to have her still. Both of mine passed years ago and I am 55 too!
Hang in there sweetie! You'll get it all done. Try to find some time for yourself too. (ya, I know, easier said than done...LOL).
Thank You Debby!
LOL David..Yes, she is..I could tell ya some stories from her younger days that would make your hair curl! :)
Love Ya..
Hi Penny!
I think once the Party is over I'll get back into the swing of things :)..Thanks on my blog!
that's awesome you still have her!!!
sorry I haven't been by in a while.. geeze, time does fly when yer feeling good!!! hugs, robin
It's funny you said your grandmother couldn't whisper if her life depended on it, my grandmother was the same way. And if she was reading a book she couldn't just read it silently, she had to read it out loud! There's nothing like a grandmother! I miss mine a lot and wish I would have spent more time with her now. Hind sight is always 20/20 isn't it?
Hope your Surprise party is a blast!!
Moondog Hugs,
Hi Robin :)..I'm so glad you're feeling good again! :)
Hi Sheri!
Thank you :)...Yes, Grandmas are special, I lost my other Granny several years back, and I really miss her still.
Awwwwwwww....Candy, that brought tears to my eyes and made me giggle too! You are very lucky to still have a grandma. I haven't had mine for a very long time. I lost one when I was only 19 and the other one when I was 24. They were both in their 70's which is young. I hope your party turns out great (I know it will) and God bless your grandma! =o)
Hi Lori :)
It is nice having my Grandma. Her life experience and sharing her knowledge, and helped me over some humps :)
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