by Candace Navarrete

by Candace Navarrete

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Blog by a Friend, and AWESOME Artist!

Hey Everyone :)...Good morning..I think..LOL
My Friend, Lisa Rogers of "Creekside Carvings" is new to blogging. Lisa just started her blog and I thought I'd share with you so you can check out Lisa's incredible work. She has been an Ebay seller for many years..Here's Lisa's Ebay link:
Creeksidecarver, and here's her Blog Link:
Lisa is famous for her Dog, Santa and Halloween Carvings. She has an awesome slideshow on her blog of past works...Check out her work and drop lisa a post!


Debby said...

Thanks for the heads up, her blog is great.

Lance said...

Hi Candy how goes it!? Hope all is well. Thanks for sharing the blog, it looks great!

Chicken Lips said...

Her work is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

icandy... said...

Great stuff... I'll hop over to Lisa's right now!!

Christina :)

HowlingMoonDesigns said...

Hi Everyone..Glad you all like Lisa's work! She's one of the best over all artists I've ever met!