To be eligible to win one of the AWESOME Giveaways by some of your
favorite EHAG Artists, please leave a post here, or send me an email,
from now until September 25th!
You can see all the wonderful items donated, on our EHAG Art Blog
Good Luck to All!
YAY I found her!!! Love these searches you lovely EHAG Artists do...much fun! :o)
Oh, Boy!!! I found her on the first try...
Many Blessings ~ Tara
moonlithaven AT gmail Dot com
I'm a little sad that I found her...I was enjoying looking through all the sites...I think I'll just go through them all again!
yay! here she is :) all the blogs are fantastic and i have enjoyed going thru them
Peek-a-boo! I see you!
Lisa Ann Berry
I found you wandering Witch! Wonderful adventure visiting wonderul artists found some new ones too! :) Becca
Super fun! Thanks for the chance to win! Love this :)
Great Jinks, Please enter me into this wonderful competition. :) Lindax
Loved flipping through all the blogs to find her! Awesome contest! Happy Halloween!
I love these magical journey's and what a fabulous place to find the mysterious little witch!
Please enter me in this give-a-way :)
What fun! It could only have been better if I had gotten candy at each stop. ;)
That didn't take me very long. I'm surprised. I'll visit the other blogs, too, just for fun. :) Theresa
I found the wandering witch! Had a great time looking through all of the artist's blogs. :)
only had to click on 1 link...howling moon. when i spied that perfect little witch i knew the 'wandering witch' was hiding behind her. love your work. peace-d.
yay! here she is! what fun i have had going from blog to blog...
I have found her!
This is such fun!
Wow i was beginning to get confused about what i was looking for and you were only the second blog i looked at, lucky me maybe :)
Found her ...3rd try. Sign me up!!
AAHHHHHH...I found you my little pretty. I went down the list, so alas here you are. I thought you might have been hidden in a painting at one blog, but no I kept searching and here you are. I so love this blog. Love the spider. Isn't she just adorable. You have such talent. I have been amazed in playing this game, what wonderful work each of you talented artists have on display. So creative and spellbinding. I love it. I have signed up to follow your blog. I cannot wait to see what you create next. Please sign me up for the drawing. I would so love to have you drop by for a visit. Country hugs, Sherry
YEA! I found her - still loved checking out the other blogs - most I already follow! This was a great idea to search and find! Love it!
Please enter me for one of those goodies!
Traci {:
Me too, Sherry, I thought I foud her somewhere else, LOL, but here she is!! I'm so excited!! This was a lot of fun! I always enjoy these type of hunts!
Ok! Now I know what I am looking for!!! Yea!!!!
YAY! What a fantastic giveaway. Thanks for hosting the wandering witch.
Here she is! :) Too fun!
Fun giveaway! Please enter me-thanks! P.S. Hi Candy ☺
Oooooh this was fun! And I found some excellent new sites to add to my blogroll... like yours!
awesome....woooowhoooo....2nd try
Found the witch! Love all of the artists work! Thanks for a chance to win a great prize.
Oh frabjous day! Calloo! Callay! I found her! I hope I win something wonderful! ^-^
What fun (and hello little witch) -- it's been fun to see all the halloweeny goodness on so many blogs!
HA!! Count me in! I would LOVE to be added in to the EHAG fun.
Thanks so much. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Gotcha! Keeping all fingers & toes crossed. LoryKT@aol.com
The happy hunt is over! I knew I'd get you my pretty!!! :)
WoOhOo! I found her on my first try too!
Great fun to be had Candy! Please count me in!
Off to blog about this EHAG event!
Really fun to look through all the blogs! and find the witch!
Please enter me in the drawing.
Wonderful and fun giveaway. I need to start decorating for the fall.
Hi there! Oh, everyone's work is so wonderful. I have enjoyed the tour of all of the sites.
Please enter me...I would be so excited to win such lovely treats!
Have a great day!
Hugs, Nancy
Yay, I found her! That was a fun search. I think I'll go back and take a closer look at all the blogs. Thanks, jan/scrappicat
Found her! What fun this was and I got to visit the blogs of many delightful artists.
I have found her hooray! Great stuff guys and gals.
Yay - I found her!! I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the goodies being given away - and Halloween!! Thanks for the fun and creative way to win - I really enjoyed looking for her - now to go back and look in more detail at the blogs - yippee! :)
jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
Found on try two...
I found her on my first try too! Cool. Thanx for sharing.Kelli Hansen
Yayyyyyyyy finally!!! Cool blog BTW
Thanks to ALL who have posted so far! and Thank You for all your very nice compliments!
Glad everyone is having a good time! :)
That was such fun......I agree with several of the comments, I love looking at new blog sites. Without this fun game, I sadly would have missed some very cool art. Thanks!
Oh Spooks, Oh Ghouls,
It really is true -
You Sneaky Old Witch,
I finally found YOU!
Please enter my name
for a prize from the sites,
Any one of those goodies
Will give me good frights!
Fun, fun! Warty, Hag-Breath Hugs, Tamara (scomerford@comcast.net)
Yay found her! :D
Your blog is lovely, and I've been browsing through your Etsy, I love "Gone Batty". So cute!
ashya0rly (at) gmail (dot) com
Yay! I found her.. I was beginning to wonder if she would continue to hide. :-)
Not sure if I'm able to play but I was so excited when I found her!
Wow! I found her on my first try!
It's always the last place you look.
Yay! I found her.
Tracy M.
What a grear blog you have. I loved searching for the witch, it was so much fun to find her and visting so many talented artists.
Thank you
Wow, I found her! How fun!
Yeah , But who wants the fu to end, Please sign me up for some Halloween treats!
minpinsloveme at msn dot com
Oh I love giveaways. Thank you so much, sign me up.Back to working on my witchy chair...Romona
You were my last stop and I'm glad I searched far and wide. It was a wonderful experience viewing all the crazy, creepy, clever, Halloween art along the way. Now I hope I win a witchy prize.
Nice! This is fun!
I found her! Oh what fun!! And oh what wonderful goodies thanks to the EHAG Artist! :)
No getting away this time, we found you and what a fabulous journey. Now back to checking out all the blogs with great little items to feast my eyes on.
Yippy! I found her! Please enter me! Awesome header!
Halloween is my favorite holiday! Thanks for the giveaway!
Whoo-hoo - I found her! Thanks for the opportunity to win - I had a blast looking at all the blogs! I love EHAG!
Ha Ha Gotcha! Your wandering days are over!
I knew I should've worked my way up from the bottom to find her! :) I was starting to wonder if I knew what exactly I was looking for anymore. haha
you are all such a generous talented group! please enter me in your drawing, loved looking at all the blogs and seeing all the halloween! rchelle @ hotmail. com
Gootcha! so that's where she has been hiding.What a fun competition with lots of pretties to lokk at on the way.
Found ya! Cool giveaway, thanks :)
Yea!!! I found her!!!! Loved looking at all the blogs!!!
Yeah! I found her! I really enjoyed looking at all the blogs. Fabulous art from everyone!
I found her!!
Oooh, what fun! I had a great time looking at everyone's blogs, got some great ideas for Halloween! Thanks for the chance to win!
I found her, how fun!!!
Gotcha...what a fun way to do a Giveaway. Visited some great sites along the way.
Lookie here I found her too. I hope you pick me.
Lucky for me, it took me several blogs to find her so I was thoroughly enjoying all the wonderful posts prior to finding the Wandering Witch!! Thanks for the opportunity to be included in this giveaway. Oh, how I hope I win!!!
Candy, do you know I went to everyone of the sites and before yours, I always save the best for last.
Oh what fun I had looking at all the wonderful ehag artists. I LOVE Halloween. This was a great little "witch hunt" :+}. My FAVS list has really gotten bigger now! Thank you for the fun and I hope I win one of the delightful giveaways.
Lana, Scottsboro, AL
Found her first try!! I'm smitten with your blog and the ehag group! Fun! More halloween to love.
Foxboro MA
yahoo I found her...here is hoping I score with a win.
yay! I have discovered the trick little witchie!
Oh, I just LOVE this! What charming, fabulous prizes. Thanks!
Cindy Wilson
Locust, NC
I found the witch!! good luck to all.
yay me. I found her. Nothing says Halloween like a good witch hunt. :) Please let me win.
GOTCHA witchy poo!!! Thanks for the fun:)
Found her, thank you for the give-away. Have to say I LOVE your banner!
Fun!!!! That was my first witch hunt!! Lots of great blogs on the way too.
YAY!! I found the Wandering Witch! It was fun looking through all the blogs :)
Yippy! I finally found her. The very last but certainly not least blog that I viewed! I just adore your blog banner.
Great witch hunt through all the fabulous blogs and such a great assortment of prizes!
I'm so glad I stumbled on to this giveaway.
Happy Haunting!
I am so glad I found the Wandering Witch. She is so fast and I would be so lucky to win one of the wonderful prizes.
Mmm, what a delightful journey that was! Hope I win, but if not, it's certainly been inspiring!
I AM PRETTY HAPPY THAT I ‘WANDERED’ ACROSS THE WANDERING WITCH! I LOVE HALLOWEEN MORE THAN ANY OTHER HOLIDAY! What a great website and the talent that is there! Oh, I hope the witch wanders my way! Happy HOWLaween!
lucky me-! I found her-
a wandering
but not totally lost witch,
HALLOWEEN FANATIC here at last...that witch was fast, but I found her at last!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Crossing my fingers...
Found her and what a great time I had doing it!
Happy Halloween
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I found her! This was fun! Enter me in! Barbara
Eeek! I just made it!
What a fun game!
Enter me please!
Well, wasn't this a little piece of Halloween fun?!! What a great idea and I did enjoy stumbling through a few blogs I've never seen before. I almost went to the last blog first, but I'm so glad I didn't. Enter me please! - Kathy in Chicago
YAY I found her. I love halloween.
Debie xxx
Yippeee! I'm so happy to have found my wandering sister. This was a fun game, and a clever one!
I am so glad I found the wandering witch- I wandered myself through the blogs and now I have new additions to my list of favs and am totally inspired myself! Thanks for the fun!
I found her!!! And such fun it was to search. What talented blogging artists. I certainly had to 'cackle' at some of the fun things I saw!!!
Wow! I'm just entering blog world and it is fun to stumble upon these blogs! Glad I found the Wandering Witch.
My first visit to EHAG today brought me here chasing down a witch!!
What a great time to be had visiting all the blogs!
Inspiration and creative goodness everywhere!!
Thanks for the Halloween fun!
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